Spending Fast
Spending fast. Spending diet. A period of time where you don't spend ANY money except the essentials. My poor spouse still thinks Taco Bell and Arby's are "essentials". I have done a lot of reading about people doing spending fasts and most do it for a month up to a year. We are starting with baby steps. The first week, we had gone grocery shopping that weekend so we had plenty of food at home. We (meaning I) chose to go Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday without spending. He agreed because he knows we need to cut back. On Monday I came home from work and he asked me for about 30 minutes straight if we could go to Arby's. I stuck to my ground because I always bend and said "no". He said he had a bad day, I said I'm sorry but we're sticking to this spending fast. We ended up making breakfast for dinner and it turned out really well. Tuesday, we had to go visit a friend and normally we go out to eat. Once again, we disagreed and then he finally realize...