After graduating, the student loan came in. Since I went to a for-profit accelerated nursing program, my loan was $40,000. For some, that's not a lot. For others, it is a substantial amount of student loans. By this time in my life, the credit cards were paid off (minus one in which I have 0% interest for the life of the card). Even though I was more responsible (so I thought), I only paid the minimum for about a year and ignored the private loan portion of the loan which was $10,000. After a few months of no payments to the school, I received a letter stating that if I paid half the amount by a certain day (I think it was about 30 days from the date of the letter), they would forgive the other half! So I pulled out that credit card and put $5,000 on it that very day. $30,000 left. I am a bit of a workaholic, so I worked about 50-80 hours a week, and paid $1,000 a month on my student loan. After almost one year of doing that, I was tired of paying it off so slowly. I pulled what ...